Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, Room B902
New York City 10001-5992
phone: 212.217.3370 fax: 212.217.3371

The UCE Leadership - Scholarships

Leadership Scholarships are awarded by the UCE Scholarship Fund annually. The student must have contributed as a leader to FIT and their home community during their two years at FIT. The Leadership Scholarship award of up to $3,000 is presented upon the start of the fall semester.

Minimum requirements for all of the UCE Leadership Scholarships are:
- Leadership: active in FIT student life and home communities;
- Scholarship: a GPA of 3.25 or higher;
- Will be an FIT upper division student in Fall 2024;
- An interview by the entire Scholarship Committee;
- Complete the two-year FIT AAS program by May 2024;
- Each nominated student must complete a detailed questionnaire;

-Documentation of any volunteer, community and leadership activities in the past two years such as a letter from your volunteer supervisor;

- Maximum of 6 transfer credits towards their FIT AAS degree;
- Nominees must provide three letters of reference (at least two from FIT faculty)

There are five different awards. In addition to the minimum requirements listed above, there are specific requirements for the four named awards – they are the Louis Stollar, George Levinson, Joseph Garofalo and Judith Parkas scholarships.


To apply click on the tab "forms." 

The UCE Scholarship Awards Committee screens completed questionnaires & interviews select nominees for leadership, service & academic qualifications. The committee names the final candidates. Formal announcement of winners takes place at the Deans’ awards ceremony and names are printed in the Commencement Booklet.


Only complete applications received by the deadline will be considered.

Isabella Bertoletti, President
Eric Ramirez, Executive Vice President
Paul Clement, VP of Finance/Treasurer
Loretta Volpe, VP of Communications
Vacant, Secretary

Amy Zaborowski, VP of Trust Administration

Contributions are welcome at any time. Please make your check payable to the UCE Scholarship Fund and mail it to: UCE Scholarship Fund

Seventh Avenue at West 27th Street, Room B902
New York, NY 10001

The UCE Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, TAX ID# 20-5422759.

Contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS code.

We are a private foundation as recognized by the IRS.

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UCE of FIT Scholarship Fund